• Le 19 novembre 2021 de 16:00 à 18:00
    false false
  • de 16h à 18h.

Title: "Architecture of universities in the urban structure of Poznan and Strasbourg"

The university is a unit that creates, develops and transfers culture, opinions, knowledge and science. For hundreds of years, it has been an integral element of European institutional structures. Universities were foregrounded as important constituents of regions and countries – as structures that defined and determined their evolution and identity.
The presentation aims to examine and summarize observations about the cultural heritage of imperial Germany (19th and 20th centuries) – more precisely: how it has influenced the development of the architectural and urban heritage of the universities in Poznan and Strasbourg.

M. Arch. Alina Celichowska is a PhD student at the Doctoral School at the Poznan University of Technology. She takes part in the scientific project “Imperial affinity: Strasbourg / Poznan and the unwanted German heritage". Her research interests include history of architecture and urban planning, especially the field of tension between urban spaces and city revitalization. Alina Celichowska works on the architectural and urban connections between university buildings in Poznan and Strasbourg. Her scientific experience includes several conferences (for example: “European cultural relations within the Weimar Triangle” at the Université Paul-Valéry in Montpellier in September 2021). Moreover, she gained professional experience by working in an architectural office in Zurich for a year. Today, she works in the architectural office Litoborski+Marciniak in Poznan.

  • Celichowska A., „Seryjny zabójca: Domek na Przedmieściach. Wpływ zjawiska rozlewania się miast (urban sprawl) jako źródło wielu groźnych przemian na świecie.”, Monografia „Miasta XXI wieku”, Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Archaegraf”
  • Celichowska A., Marciniak P., „Kształcenie i kształtowanie. Uniwersytet jako przestrzenny element miastotwórczy na przykładzie Poznania.”, recenzowana seria wydawnicza Studia z Architektury Nowoczesnej - „Architektura dwóch stuleci”
  • Celichowska A., Frik N., Kocurek N., Marciniak P., Oppeln-Bronikowska A., Rudna M., Szyszkowska A., „Percepcja przestrzeni urbanistycznych”  |  in preparation with „In Situ” Scientific Group
  • Celichowska A. (red.), „OPOLE. Transgraniczne obszary poszukiwań. Nowe odkrycia KNOWA In situ”  |  Politechnika Poznańska, Poznań 2020
  • Celichowska A., „Świat samolubów”, Architektura i Biznes, nr 03/2020

Invited Speaker: Alina Celichowska

patrimoine et identité
Mis à jour le 09 novembre 2021.